Monday 13 May 2013

Sneak Peak: Faithful by Kelly Elliot (Wanted Series)

YAY!! I found this sneak peak of the of Faithful (the Third book in the Wanted Series). 
The book is set to be Josh and Heather's story, however, if the other books in the series are anything to go by, then I am sure there be snippets of Ellie/Gunner and Ari/Jefferson's story.  

Faithful is set to be released in August , 2013. 

Below is the Prologue and first chapter to Faithful. Please remember that this has NOT been edited and is subject to change before publishing. 



High School

“Heather?” I heard Ari say my name, but I was so numb I couldn’t even turn around.
They left me.
I felt a hand on my shoulder as I closed my eyes. Why did I ever tell Ari my secret place to go when I needed to think?
“Heather, Ells and I are really worried sweets. Please come back to my house with me. You can’t be all alone in your house tonight.”
I felt a chill run through my whole body. How was I going to sleep in that house knowing they would never come back?
I tried to talk but nothing would come out. I looked up toward Ari as I felt the tears running down my face.
Ari dropped to her knees and grabbed my hands. She put her head on lap and just started to say how sorry she was.
“Heather, I’m so sorry sweets. God you know I would do anything to bring your parents back. Anything. Just please tell me what to do Heather. What can I do to help you?”
I smiled as I looked down at her beautiful dark brown hair. Ari…she’s filled with so much spit and fire but also with so much love. I know there is not a damn thing she wouldn’t do for anyone of us.
“Will y’all stay with me tonight? I can’t leave the house but…I can’t stay there alone either,” I said as I started to stroke Ari’s hair.
She looked up at me and smiled.
“A slumber party?”
I let out a small giggle. “Yeah, a slumber party. You, me, Amanda and Ells.”
Ari stood up and reached her hand for mine.
“Will you give me just two more minutes?” I asked as I glanced back over to the water.
“Sure sweets. I’ll be in my Jeep waiting. I’ll go ahead and call Amanda and Ells too,” Ari said as she rubbed my back before turning to walk back to her Jeep.
I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath and held it for a few seconds. I’ll never forget the first time Daddy brought me to this gazebo. I felt like such a princess. He told me this was our special place. A place we could always come to and feel each other’s presence, a place to feel safe when we were scared, lost or lonely.
“Daddy…it isn’t working. I feel so lost. So completely, and utterly lonely without you and mom. I can’t do this. I can’t do this by myself.”
A warm feeling captured my whole body as I thought of my father’s last words to me.
“Princess, you’ll never find anyone who will love you like your mother and I do. Just remember to guard your heart and don’t let just anyone in. To love strong is a great thing…to be loved just as strong in return; well that is miracle in itself.”
I’ll never love anyone again like I loved my parents. No…I’ll guard my heart and never let anyone in so I’ll never again, be hurting like this again.
I stood up and took one last look at the river. I closed my eyes and decided right then I was not going to cry anymore. It did no good. They were gone and never coming back.
“I’m sorry Daddy. I’m sorry I couldn’t get there in time to say goodbye to you and Mommy. I love you both. Goodbye.”
I slowly turned and started to walk to Ari’s Jeep.
All because I wanted to go on a stupid date. If I’d just gone with them to Marble Falls instead of insisting on meeting them there the next day, I would’ve been driving. They would be alive today.
This was all my fault.


Sophomore Year of College

“Dude, how many times do I have to tell you, you’re gonna get in trouble,” Jeff said as we walked onto the football field for practice.
I let out a laugh. “Jeff, I’m careful. I’m not going to get a girl pregnant. Besides, I’m too damn young to settle down with just one girl. I wanna have fun.”
Jeff rolled his eyes as he looked over at Gunner who was talking to Smitty.
“Gunner agrees. You’ve got to take it easy Josh. You’re a fucking man whore.”
I looked over toward the bleachers and saw Victoria sitting there. Shit. I let out a sigh as I threw my stuff down on the ground.
Jeff glanced over to where I was looking.
“Your latest? She’s cute. What’s her name?” Jeff asked as he looked back at me and raised his eyebrows.
“Fuck off dude. I actually liked this one, but she’s so damn clingy. Gonna have to break it off.”
“Yeah, they tend to get that way when you sleep with them. You’ll have to forgive them Josh…most girls don’t want to put out for just a one night stand.”
I smiled at Jeff as I shook my head. “Most of the girls I meet have no problem putting out for a one night stand.”
“You ain’t all there,” Jeff said as he pushed my shoulder back and started off toward Gunner.
I glanced again over at Victoria and decided to just get it over with. As I walked toward her, I noticed that beautiful long dark brown hair. She had it down today and the thoughts that were running through my head were making my dick rock hard. I’d hooked up with her more than any other girl, and she knew it. There was something missing though. I just didn’t feel it with her.
Fuck. I just want to meet a girl I feel something for.
As I got closer the smile spread wider on her face. Yeah. She was beautiful alright. Great in bed, smart as hell, but to fucking needy.
“Hey there, handsome. I thought I’d come and watch y’all practice. I thought maybe afterwards you and I could go…you know. Play around a little back at my place.”
“What’s up Tori?” I asked as I gave her my signature smile.
“I was hoping you were,” she purred back.
Oh god…I think I just threw up in my mouth.
“Listen Tori, I just don’t think this is working out for me,” I said as I noticed her friend Michelle standing next to her.
“What?” Victoria said, almost in a shout.
Ah hell, here we go.
“Listen, it was fun. It was um…it was a lot of fun, Victoria, but it’s just not working out. I’m not really ready to settle down just yet and to be honest you were giving me that vibe.”
She leaned over and said something to Michelle who quickly looked over at me and smiled before she turned off and walked away.
“Baby, let’s go back to my car and talk about this. I’m sure I can… change your mind,” she said as she glanced down toward my junk.
I let out a sigh. Damn a blow job from her would feel really good right about now.
I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. I really need to find a girl who is not ready to put out just because I smile at herFuck me…does one even exist?
“You’re thinking pretty hard about it, Josh. I’m feeling a little wet with excitement,” she said with a wink.
Yeah fuck this shit.
“Sorry, Victoria. It was fun but I’m done. Good luck with nursing school. You’re gonna make a damn good nurse.”
With that I turned and walked away. She called my name twice. Just keep walking Josh, just keep walking.
I felt her hand grab my arm and pull me to a stop.
“Wait! Josh, just one more time? Please. Just as a goodbye, that’s all. I promise.”
I looked back at the field where Gunner, Jeff and Brad were all talking.  I reached in back pocket and pulled out my phone. Fifteen minutes. I could do that.
I glance back at her with a smile on my face.
“Lead the way to your car, baby,” I said as she smiled back.
Yeah, beautiful, great fucking sex, but defiantly not the one.



I glanced over to look at Ari. She was staring out the window and I could see the tears running down her face. I looked up to the front seat; Jeff was talking to Gunner on the phone, telling him about the accident.
Oh my god. I didn’t even say I loved him before I walked out the door. I just left.
Ari squeezed my hand. I guess I stopped my hysterical crying about 20 minutes ago.
“It’s gonna be okay, sweets,” Ari said with a weak smile.
I tried to smile back at her. My heart was pounding in my chest and all I could see were images of Josh flashing through my mind.
I leaned my head back and thought about two nights ago when he made such passionate love to me in the rain.
I was sitting on the sofa watching his every move. I saw him reach down and start his iPod. He walked toward me with that panty melting smile on his face, as he held out his hand.

My heart was racing. How does he make me feel this way?

I smiled as I reached up and felt his warm hand capture mine.
“Will you dance with me, princess?” he asked with a smile that just melted my heart.
“Yes,” I said as he pulled me into his arms and captured my lips with his.
As he led me outside, I could hear Ed Sheeran's "Kiss Me" playing on the outside speakers. Damn I love this song. He knows how much I love this song.

The rain was coming down at a steady pace as he led me down the steps and out to the patio. I looked up and felt the rain hitting my face. God it felt so good and instantly cooled me off. After days of having a fever, the cool rain felt like heaven on my skin.

As he reached for me and pulled me closer to him, he put his lips to my ear.

"I love you, Heather."

"I love you, Josh, more than anything."

Heart beat to heart beat. Dancing in the rain.
“Are you feeling better, princess?” Josh asked against my ear.
“Yes…especially here in your arms,” I said as I looked up into his beautiful green eyes. I was breathless looking into his eyes.
As the music played he slowly moved us over to one of the patio chairs.
“I’m going to make love to you in the rain, Heather,” he said with so much seduction it felt like my knees were about to go out from under me.
“Oh god…” I said as he slowly started to pull my T-shirt up and over my head.
Once the T-shirt was off he leaned down and kissed me so softly that I almost wanted to pull in him for more. I needed to feel him up against me, as close as I could get him. I needed him inside me.
He slowly turned me around and placed soft kisses from one shoulder to the other. I felt his hands move down as he slowly removed my bra.
Oh god. He’s trying to kill me with how slow he’s moving.
I glanced over my shoulder. “Josh, please…it’s been so long.”
He let out a small laugh as he pushed my bra off my body and wrapped his arms around me.
“I know, baby, but you had bronchitis, a sinus infection, the flu and god knows what else. There was no way I was going to get sick by getting near you, let alone have sex with you!”
I turned around and smacked him on the shoulder as he laughed.
“Nice, you just ruined one of the most romantic moments of my life you ass!”
Then he smiled that smile. The one that always makes me think of lunch with him in Marble Falls. That crooked smile with the dimple in his cheek. I felt the throbbing between my legs as his smile turned into a smoldering look that just about had me ready to get on my knees and beg him to make love to me.
“I love you, Heather,” he said as he took my hands in his.
“I love you more, Josh,”
“I love you… infinity,” he said with a wink.
“Make love to me, Josh.”
His hands released mine as he slowly moved them up my wet arms, down my chest to my shorts. By the time he had them off I was ready to explode. God, the way he makes me feel is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Every time is like the first time.
He stood back and stared at me. I wanted to cover myself so desperately but I knew how that upset him. He would always tell me how perfect I was and how beautiful I was. I don’t think I’ll ever get use to how he makes me feel so special. So wanted.
I watched as he took off his T-shirt and slipped his shorts off. I raised my eyebrows at him and smiled.
“Commando today huh?”
“Easier access for you, baby,” he said with a wicked smile.
I threw my head back and laughed and kept it back. The rain felt like pure heaven. Was this really happening?
I snapped my head back up and looked at him.
“We can’t do this!” I practically yelled at him.
“What? Why the hell not?”
“It’s your parent’s house, Josh! What if they come home? I mean, what if your mom…oh god, I don’t even want to think about it,” I said as I turned to grab my shirt.
Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me to his wet warm body.
“Princess, my parents are at their lake house and not coming home until tomorrow. It’s just you and me,” he said as he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me with so much passion I knew I was going to have an orgasm the moment he touched me.
He slowly sat down on the lounge chair and moved back allowing me to straddle him. The moment I sat down and pressed against him, I let out a moan.
“Oh god. I’ve missed you so much,” I said with desperation in my voice.
“Jesus, Heather, you feel like heaven. I love you, princess,” Josh said as he lifted me up and lowered me down onto him. He wrapped his arms around me and covered me in soft kisses as we made the sweetest most romantic love in my life…in the rain. Heart beat to heart beat.
Ari’s voice suddenly woke me from my memory, “Heather, sweets, we’re at the hospital,” Ari said with sadness in her eyes.
As soon as Jeff parked the car I jumped out.
“Heather, please slow down,” Ari called out from behind me. I had to get to him.
I kept walking at a steady pace. What if he doesn’t make it? I never even told him I loved him before I left.  Oh. My. God. We were fighting.
As we walked toward the hospital I sent Elizabeth a text message letting her know I was there and asking where she was.  .
Elizabeth: Second floor surgery waiting room
I walked in through the ER room and headed straight to the elevator. I heard Jeff tell Ari that Gunner and Ellie were praying for Josh. Don’t cry Heather. Do. Not. Cry.
As we stepped into the elevator I looked at Ari. Mistake. I immediately felt the tears building in my eyes. I turned away and looked at the floor.
“Heather…” Ari started to say.
“Please don’t,” I said as I looked back up at her and the doors opened.
Ari grabbed my hand as we walked to the waiting room. I saw Elizabeth and Greg standing there talking to a doctor who was still dressed like he just walked out of surgery.
I stopped just short of them, unable to take another step.
What if he’s telling them Josh didn’t make it?
Elizabeth glanced over and saw me. She immediately walked over to me and took me in her arms.
“He’s going to be okay baby girl. Breathe. Just breathe, Heather.”
Oh god. That was what Josh told me all the time when he knew I was upset or nervous.
I pulled back and looked at her. She took her thumbs and wiped away the tears from my face.
“He’s going to be okay? But I thought he was in critical…” I couldn’t finish. I started to cry as I felt Ari rubbing her hand on my back.
“Come on, Dr. Michaels was Josh’s surgeon and he literally just walked out to talk to us.”
As we walked over to the surgeon, Jeff’s phone started to ring. All I heard him say was hi to Gunner. Poor Ellie. She didn’t need this added stress.
“Dr. Michaels, this is Heather Lambert, Josh’s girlfriend,” Elizabeth said as she gave me the sweetest smile.
Dr. Michaels and I did our introductions and then he began to tell us about Josh.
“It looks like we were able to stop the internal bleeding from the blunt force trauma to his abdomen. His spleen was lacerated, probably by one of the two broken ribs, but we went in using a procedure called exploratory laparotomy. We were able to stop the bleeding by using a heat probe to seal the blood vessels. He lost a lot of blood so we also had to do a transfusion. His brain scans show that he suffered a slight blunt force trauma to the head resulting in minor swelling. We’re treating that with IV diuretics, mannitol, and will observe him. We won’t really know anymore until he wakes up. He is stable now and breathing very well on his own. His blood pressure is good and all vitals are normal.”
 “What about any brain injury? Do we know if he had any significant injury to his brain?” Greg asked as he tried to clear his throat.
“He definitely had trauma to his head, no question about that with the swelling. We’re going to have to wait until he wakes up to see how significant it was. The swelling is steadily going down and all the brain scans appear to be normal, so I didn’t see the need to do an induced coma. I’m confident things will be okay.”
Dr. Michaels looked over at me and gave me a weak but genuine smile. I smiled back the best I could, but my heart was racing.
He was going to be okay.
“We’re going to keep him in ICU over night and move him to another room tomorrow. If y’all would like to go in, of course he’s not awake. We just ask only two at a time.”
“Of course, of course,” Elizabeth said. “Heather, darling shall we go in?”
My heart started racing even more. Oh God.
“Um, why don’t you and Greg go in first? I think I need a moment or two to let this all settle.”
“Sure baby girl. We’ll be right back,” Greg said as he leaned over and kissed me on the check.
I watched as they followed the doctor through the double doors. Jeff must have sensed what was about to happen because he was by my side and holding on to me when my knees gave out.
With Ari on one side and Jeff on the other, we walked over to the small sofa. Ari and I sat down and I just let go. I have never cried so hard in my life. Even after my parents death I tried not to cry. I couldn’t hold it in. Every emotion I felt in the last 48 hours was coming full circle. The beautiful moment in the rain when Josh made love to me, anger over him and Lynda, the fight we had before I left, the excitement about Alex, Josh’s car accident and how scared to death I was that I lost him.
Ari gently held me in her arms as I just let it all slip away.
He’s okay.
We would be okay.

Thanks Kelly Elliott for the sneak peak!! Follow the link to Kelly Elliott's blog to find out more.