Thursday 23 May 2013

Review: True Love Story by Williow Aster

All the books that I read, I go on my Amazon recommendations, which could be quite precarious sometimes, however it seems to have directed me to a good one this time. I was a bit apprehensive to download this book at the start due to the title as I thought, that is a big claim to make, but I eventually gave it a read and have kicked myself for not reading it sooner. True Love Story is the first published book by Willow Aster and I have to say CONGRATULATIONS, because I loved the book.

What is it about?

Ian Sterling is a guitar playing god in the music industry. He is hot, talented and charming. How can any woman resist? Sparrow Fisher, a preacher's daughter, finds that resisting Ian Sterling is hard to do, even when he pushes her away. 

I know what you are thinking, good little preacher's daughter, and a bad boy musician, she tames him, blah blah blah. Well that is not what this story is about. Sparrow, in essence is a good girl, but she is not a goodie-two-shoes by any means, she has her own dreams and plans to leave her small town and go to college in New York with her best friend. When Ian and Sparrow first meet, Sparrow has a boyfriend, however this doesn't stop Ian from pursuing Sparrow. 

When her boyfriend, proposes marriage after they have been dating for only 4 months, she decides to end the relationship, as she feels that she is too young to get married and there is the little problem of not being able to get Ian Sterling out of her mind. 

Over the years, Sparrow and Ian meet up and they start a relationship starts to build between the two. As the relationship builds, they become more committed to each other, and they enter and exclusive relationship, or so Sparrow thinks.
Sparrow is heart broken when she finds out that Ian has not been as faithful as she thought, causing her to end their relationship. However, Ian does not give up hope that they will get back together, sending love letters to her for months after they broke up. Sparrow doesn't give in to temptation, and ignores the letters that Ian sends, until fate steps in and she can't seem to get away from him. Will she be able to look past his cheating ways and give him another chance?

What did I like about this book?

If you ask anyone who knows me, I am so anti cheaters and have always said, "once a cheat, always a cheat." Well this book put my resolve to the test as I found myself rooting for Ian and willing Sparrow to give Ian another chance. To me that is what makes a book great. When it provokes feelings out of you that go against your nature, and make you question your own beliefs and opinions. Also this book took me on a journey and I felt like I was looking through Sparrow's eyes with no control of your body or mind, but I could feel all her angst and sorrow and mostly her love towards Ian. 

I cannot believe that this is the first book that Willow Aster has published. She seemed to have got everything right the whole way through the book, from showing all the emotions and inner turmoil that Sparrow goes through, to her relationships with Tessa, Ian and her parents. Everything is so well thought out from the beginning to end, and the writing is so clear and concise that the reader has a full understanding of what is going on. I have read books by authors who have written 10 books, and their writing hasn't made me feel the way that I have felt while reading this book. 

I am excited to read all books that Williow Aster writes in the future!