Monday 13 May 2013

REVIEW: Saved by Kelly Elliott

As soon as I finished reading Wanted by Kelly Elliot, I started reading Saved (the sequel to Wanted).

If you have not read Wanted, then I suggest that you read the book so that you can understand what his going on in Saved.

What is it about... 

By the end of Wanted, Ellie and Gunner got married and Jeff and Arianna finally started the romantic part of their relationship. The start of Saved carries on from where Wanted left off, with Jeff about to propose to Arianna, when Arianna found out that while they were apart, Rebecca, a girl that Jeff had sex with, was pregnant. After an emotional confrontation between the love birds, Ari decides that she is not going to give up Jeff without a fight. Little did she know that Rebecca feels the exact same way. Throughout, the book shows the battle between Ari and Jeff, with Ari trying to accept that Jeff may be having a baby with someone else, and Jeff trying to be there for the baby, as well as being there for Ari.

Their relationship becomes strained when Rebecca obsessively calls Jeff, claiming that she needs him to do things for the babies arrival, Jeff, not wanting to be like his father who was not around, he drops everything to be there for his unborn child. This leads to Ari feeling like she is second best, and she starts to worry about Jeff gaining feelings for Rebecca when the baby is born.
When Ari finds out she is also pregnant, she worries about telling Jeff, and when she finally is about to tell him that she is having his baby, Rebecca calls saying that she needs him as her car won't start, and Jeff leaves Ari behind and runs to Rebecca. Once Jeff is at the house, he spends sometime with Rebecca, who goes into, what Jeff thinks in early labour. Once the baby is born, Jeff finds out that the baby is not premature and is actually two weeks overdue. With Jeff finally realising that the baby isn't his, he worries that he could have missed up his relationship with Ari for good. Meanwhile, Ari has had an accident and has been rushed into hospital. When Jeff arrives at the hospital he finds out that Ari wanted to tell him that she was pregnant with his baby, but she lost it. Will Ari and Jeff be able to get there relationship back? Will Ari forgive Jeff for running straight to Rebecca? And most importantly, can Jeff forgive himself? 

At the same time as this is all going on, Ellie and Ari's best friend, Heather, fits her feelings for Josh, Gunner and Jeff's friend who he went to university with. Josh pursues Heather, but Heather is scared to give her heart away, as she lost both her parents the previous year. Heather worries that Josh will break her heart with his womanising ways, and she knows that her heart cannot take any more heart ache, so she decides that she has to keep her heart safe and not let Josh in. 

What did I like about this book...

Wanted was written in the first person, from four points of views. Saved is written in the point of views of all the main characters, Ari, Jeff, Ellie, Gunner, Heather and Josh. I like this concept as it again allows the book to seem more realistic as all the drama is not just happening to one couple, even though poor Ari seems to have the most dramatic relationship by far, with her best friend Ellie seeming to hit the relationship jackpot, with the only drama she has to worry about is that she takes a year to get pregnant. 

I also really liked that Kelly Elliot continued to show the development of Ari/Jeff and Ellie/Gunner's relationships, as well as incorporating the new character relationship of Heather and Josh. I really like books that are in a series as I like to live through the characters lives and experience the progression in there relationships. I hate it when I order a book, thinking that it is part of a series, but when I read the sequel is it actually about sub characters, which are never as good as the original characters. So Elliot gets the balance right with me getting to live out Ellie and Gunner's relationship, as well as bringing new characters into the fold.

What did I not like....

...well I didn't like the amount of mistakes in the spelling or words being jumbled up, especially after reading Wanted which was read beautifully. I just felt that Elliot rushed to get the book out and did not take the same care as she did in her first book. I am not the most patient person, and I literally countdown until a book comes out, but I would rather have to wait a few extra days and have the book perfect than. 

Coming August 2013!! Fainted the third book in the Wanted series!! 

Follow the link for the a sneak peak at the Prologue and Chapter One, courtesy of Kelly Elliot.