Thursday 2 May 2013

REVIEW: Resisting Her by Kendall Ryan

So I have been a really bad blogger recently as I have not posted in a while. This is not due to the fact that I haven't read anything to blog about, because I have. I have gone a bit book crazy in my absence, with 9 books that I need to write a review for...

Last night I finished reading Resisting Her by Kendall Ryan. The book was easy to read and is not overly long (I finished it in a day).

The story is about an FBI agent, Colby Fletcher aka Cole, who is very career driven, and a bit of a workaholic. One of his missions is to enter a cult compound and extract the cult leader, and rescue the cult followers. Cole finds Savannah, a 19 year old girl, hiding in the corner in one of the backrooms. Cole feels a need to 'save' her and when she is later relocated to a Halfway House, he just can't seem to stay away from her. After they spend an afternoon together he gives her his number. That night she calls him in tears and he brings her home to stay with him. They develop a relationship once Cole admits that he has feels for Savannah and realises that he cannot 'resist her' any longer.

I had really high hopes for this book, as the story line was so strong for the first 75% of the book. The opening plot was very original and the characters were captivating. Kendall Ryan did a really good job of showing how venerable Savannah is, as her mother died and she was separated from the only family and life shes ever known. She was thrust into this different world and she has some internal struggles, trying to decide  if what she was brought up to believe in the cult was actually true. Ryan also does a great job at showing Savannah's personality changes as she gains more confidence in herself and the character evolves, and by the end of the book she is no longer that sad scared character that she was in the beginning.

As a mentioned before, the I enjoyed the first 75% of the book and there was so much promise, however I found the last 25% to be lacking any sort of story apart from Savannah and Cole having a lot of sex, nothing really happened. Throughout the book there are references made about Dillon  the son of Jacob (cult leader), who believes that Savannah belongs to him. He ends up tracking Savannah down and leaves threatening notes outside the apartment and on Cole's car. At this point in the book I was getting excited about there being some sort of showdown between Cole and Dillon  I mean Cole is a FBI agent after all!! Alas, that is not what happens. Cole ends up taking Savannah away for the weekend and he calls his boss who brings Dillon in for questioning, and the FBI team happen to uncover a lot of marijuana in his car. He ends up being arrested for dealing drugs and sent to prison for a few years. Talk about an anti climax!!

I was hoping that Ryan was leading us into the sequel of the book to where Dillon would be released from prison and he would come after Savannah, but from the looks of things, there is no sequel set in the pipeline. BOOOO!!

In all, I like Ryan as an author and will definitely read some of her other books in the future. Hopefully they have a stronger ending though!