Saturday 18 May 2013

Review: Ruined by S. Pratt

Ok so where to start with this book... I read the blurb and thought, "hmmm, that sounds interesting." 

What is this book about?

On the outside you would think that Bailey Micheals had a great life, she was engaged to a handsome and successful man, had a great job and owned a house in a town she loved. However, Bailey gave her heart away many years before, to a man that she cannot have. Despite this, she cannot stay away from Angel and finds any chance she can to spend time with him. 

This the basic outline of the story, the I thought this is quite mysterious, so I gave the book a try. To my dismay, this was a BIG mistake!

What did I not like about this book?

Nothing really happens for most of the book, apart from Bailey and Angel have a very sexual relationship, whenever they are near each other. So it is a book full of sex with not much story behind it. There are times in the book when there are flashbacks to Bailey's adolescence, of her memories of Angel. S. Pratt writes the book in a way that gives the book mystery as you are lead to believe that it her secret lover may be her coach at school. 

I normally try to write a review without spoiling the story for others, however for you to understand why I hated this book, I have to reveal the big mystery behind this book, so if you are going to waste your money and read this book STOP READING NOW!

Near the end of the book you find out  that Angel is in fact her foster bother, Emmett!! YUCK!! The book tries to defend this pairing by stating that they are not related by blood, however let's not forget that the book also states that they have been brought up together since they were 3 and 5 years old. They were also brought up as brother and sister their whole lives so the idea that they developed a sexual relationship when Bailey was 15, is disgusting  They had already been living together for 12 years, with a brother and sister relationship.  

With the knowledge of who the mystery man is, when I look back to earlier in the book, there are so many flaws. For example, Bailey takes her fiancé, Carron, home for Christmas. She has already spoken to her mother and knows that her brother will be there for the holidays, yet she questions if she is going to see Angel while she is home. WELL DOH!!! Your mother has already told you Emmett is coming home for the holidays! 

And then when she arrives at her parents house, with her fiancé in tow, she makes states that Carron is on Emmett's "shit list" and she seems a bit puzzled by this. HELLO!! Your sleeping with your brother, who you are madly in love with! She would would pissed off if she came home and he brought his girlfriend, or better yet, someone who he agreed to marry, which she has. She is engaged to another guy, and is surprised that he doesn't like her fiancé. She is a dumb bitch really!

Later on in the book, before the big reveal has been made, Angel tells her that he doesn't want to be away from her any longer, and Bailey decides that she is going to leave Carron. First of all she takes the cowards way out and writes him a letter to tell him she is leaving, and secretly packs up her stuff that is in the house. The plan is that Angel will come and pick her and all her stuff up and they will live happily ever after, however Angel is in an accident on his way to her house and is hospitalised. Carron calls Bailey to tell her that her brother has been in a car accident, and that is how they make the big reveal that Angel is in fact Emmett. Seriously, S. Pratt could have made it a bit more epic. And to top it off, Bailey is dating the most understanding man that has ever lived, as when Carron finds out that she is not only leaving him (as he finds the note in her jacket pocket), but she is leaving him for her own brother, he doesn't fly off the handle about it. No he is calm and tells her that he will not tell her parents or anyone else about their affair. 

Obviously, Angel survives the car accident and they decide to elope and get married, but the kicker is that they cannot tell their parents that they are married. Ok so the big flaw with this plan is that when they have a child together, then what? Is the child never going to meet their grandparents? Or will they only meet them with one parent? If the latter is true, then what will happen at Christmas, will they take it in turns going home for Christmas? And what happens when the child is really young and sees a picture of their parents while at their grandparents house, and they say there's mommy and daddy?? How would they explain that one? 

I could go on and on about the flaws about this book and what I didn't like, but I think I need to stop here and leave with you with my final thoughts about this book. It made me feel a bit sick and disgusted when I finished this book! So please do not waste your time with buying or reading this book!! 

I think it is safe to say that I will not be reading the sequel Ruining Angel, which is the same story but in Angel's POV.