Sunday 27 October 2013

The Confessions of a Blogger

Hi Everyone,

So when I started this blog I was very good at uploading a review after every book, and they were being uploaded frequently, however this slowed down until it stopped for two whole months which is just not very good at all and I apologise.

I have read so many great books that I want to share with you and get other people to read them, so I have decided that all the books that I want to review that I have read this year, I am going to re-read them and write up a review. This will hopefully make other readers love these books and the authors as much as me.

I feel really bad that I have not vocalised my love for books by some of my favourite authors such as Molly McAdams, Jennifer Foor, Jessica Sorenson, Jamie McGuire, S. C. Stephens, K. Bromberg, Caisey Quinn, Fisher Amelie, Tess Oliver, Heidi McLaughlin, gosh I could go on and on and on. So I will start to re-read all the best books and write my reviews as soon as I can. So everyone please bear with me, and I will also try to write reviews about great books that are coming out in the future as well.

I am off to do some much needed reading.