Sunday 27 October 2013

Review: Rule by Jay Crownover

I actually read Rule when it was first released, and remembered loving it, so decided to read it again after a read Jet (the second book in the series), as I couldn't remember the specifics of the book so struggled to follow Jet. So to remedy this, I have decided to re-read both books and write my reviews.

What the Book is about?

Opposites in every way . . . except the one that matters

Shaw Landon loved Rule Archer from the moment she laid eyes on him. Rule is everything a straight--A pre-med student like Shaw shouldn’t want--and the only person she’s never tried to please. She isn’t afraid of his scary piercings and tattoos or his wild attitude. Though she knows that Rule is wrong for her, her heart just won’t listen.

To a rebel like Rule Archer, Shaw Landon is a stuck-up, perfect princess-and his dead twin brother’s girl. She lives by other people’s rules; he makes his own. He doesn’t have time for a good girl like Shaw-even if she’s the only one who can see the person he truly is.

But a short skirt, too many birthday cocktails, and spilled secrets lead to a night neither can forget. Now, Shaw and Rule have to figure out how a girl like her and a guy like him are supposed to be together without destroying their love . . . or each other.

What did I think of the Book?

There are many words that can be used to describe Rule Archer, artist, bad boy, metal head, troubled, grumpy, tough, loving, hot headed the list is endless, but there is one word that sums him up perfectly and it is spelt, H.O.T- HOT! With a body that is tatted up to the max, with piercings everywhere and an attitude to match his persona. He's the guy that you see in a bar, and can't take your eyes off, and when you look around you see that everyone else is doing the same thing! At the end of the night he picks a girl, takes her home, and the next day sends her own her way. He lives his life his way, and doesn't apologies for anything he does or says. He is the ultimate bad boy!

“I think it’s genetically impossible not to be kind of in love with him when you come equipped with a vagina. It’s just something about all that angsty, moody swagger he has that makes you want to cuddle him up and make him feel better.” - Cora

Then there is Shaw Landon who by appearances is the complete opposite to Rule, she is all pearls and diamonds, a straight A student with the aspirations of becoming a doctor and tries to meet the expectations of those around her. With rich parents that care more about appearances than they do about their own daughter, Shaw has never felt love or acceptance from her family, therefore clung to the family of her best friend Remy Archer.

“I’ve never trusted anyone all the time. It’s the people I care about the most that always seem to do the most damage” - Shaw

Shaw met Remy Archer, when she was 14 years old and he took her in to his family and looked after her. He was beautiful, thoughtful, caring and from the outside looked like the perfect partner for Shaw Landon. However, Remy and Shaw were only best friends, and Shaw developed a secret crush on Rule, Remy's twin brother. The problem is that Rule doesn't even notice Shaw exists when they first met and as time goes on, only sees her as Remy's girl, no matter how many times Shaw tells everyone that they were never more than friends.

Sadly Remy dies in a car accident on his way to pick Rule up from a party, leaving Shaw without her best friend and Rule without his other half. Rule struggles with the death of his brother, as he sees Remy has the light to his dark, the good to his bad, and without Remy there with him, he feels like all he has is darkness. It doesn't help that Rule's mom holds Rule responsible for the death of her "favourite" child.

"It has been three years since we put my twin in the ground and my mother had looked at me with tears in her eyes and stated point blank, "it should have been you," as they lowered Remy into the ground. It's been three years and his name alone was enough to drop me to my knees" - Rule

This does not deter Shaw from trying to fix Rule's relationship with the only family that has even given her the time of day, so every Sunday, Shaw goes to Rule's apartment and picks him up and drives him to his parents house for lunch. Unfortunately for Shaw, every week she is subjected to seeing Rule with this conquest from the night before, before dragging him to his parents house where he gets attacked with how he wears his hair, this tattoos, his clothes and his lifestyle. Rule being his hot headed self can only stay quiet for so long, when he storms off, Shaw and Rome, Rule's older brother, defend Rule and Shaw tell Rule's mother that she will no longer come round or bring Rule over every week if she doesn't get help to deal with her grief.

With no more Sunday dinners Rule and Shaw think that they will no longer see either, which is fine by Rule, until he goes to the Goal Line, a sports bar where Shaw works as a waitress. For the first time Rule sees Shaw as more than an uptight princess, but as a women with curves and a hot body.

“That’s the girl you complain about driving home with every weekend? That’s the girl you whine endlessly about walking in on you when you’re acting the fool? That’s the girl you dodge calls from and avoid like the plague? Geez Rule I never knew you were gay.” - Jet

In the mean time, Shaw ends a relationship with Gabe, the son of a judge and as preppy as they come, who she had no interest in dating in the first place, but in an attempt to placate her parents she went against her better judgement and dated him for 6 months. Now he will not accept that Shaw is not interested in him and starts to harass her. While Rule and his friends are at the Goal Line, Rule sees Shaw being man handled by her ex and steps in and warns Gabe to stay away from her.

Shaw's best friend, Ayden convinces Shaw to let her hair down for her birthday and be herself, instead of the perfectly put together person that she has been all her life. Shaw, who would rather wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and live a free spirited life, has been forced to maintain her put together appearance and behaviour to appease her parents. Shaw decided that she has to start to life her life the way that she wants instead of the way that her parents dictates, so for her birthday she has a makeover and goes out on the town, and for once in her life does what she wants and acts like the twenty year old she really is.

"you've spent twenty years being everybody's good little girl, and I'm sick of you killing yourself over it. Most girls your age go out, sneak into clubs, kiss boys, have sloppy one night stands, get into ridiculous, drama filled fights with their girlfriends, and you, Shaw, you don't do any of that. Tonight you are taking that I.D. and coming out with me and you will act like every idiot twenty-year-old I know" - Ayden

Rule turns up at the same club as Shaw, and when he finds her really drunk at the bar, he takes her home to sober her up, however Shaw has a different plan. In her drunken state, Shaw lets go of all her inhibitions and ends up in Rule's bed, where Rule learns for once and for all that Shaw and Remy were nothing more than friends. The next morning when Rule wakes up, he finds Shaw gone and for the rest of the week cannot get her out of his head. Eventually they start to see each other exclusively, and their roller coaster relationship begins.

This is not a book about two opposites that end up together against all odds. Yes Rule and Shaw are opposites to onlookers, but inside they are more alike than you would think. They are both hard working, determined, loving to those closest to them, and strong minded. Once Shaw drops the facade, and lets herself be herself, she shows that she is more like Rule an you would have thought. Jay Crownover does a brilliant job of writing Rule as a believable bad boy, without going over the top to show that he is a bad boy with an attitude and also showcases Shaw and Rule's relationship in a way that makes the reader connect and really champion their relationship.

"You are special;you were special then, too. I was just too stupid to see it" - Rule

Rule and Shaw's relationship isn't all sunshine and rainbows, Rule is a very complicated guy, with a lot of problems of his own, and on top of that, there is Gabe's obsession with Shaw, and both Shaw and Rule's parents who are none too happy with their relationship. The book will take you on a roller coaster ride with so many ups and downs. Rule is strong and hell bend on protecting the one girl that he wanted more than a one night stand.

"You want to harass someone, scare someone, terrorise someone you might want to pick someone that doesn't have a pissed off boyfriend waiting around the corner, preppy boy" - Rule

The story alternates between Rule and Shaw's perspective, showing the battles that they face as they try to figure out their lives and maintaining their relationship without losing themselves on the way. The book is easy to read with a good flow from one sentence to the next. There are some errors with grammar and missing words, but overall is well written and a great read. I love this book and Rule's character so much, I think I am actually a little bit in love with him.

Jay Crownover has already released the sequel in the Marked Men, Jet which is the story of Ayden and Jet's relationship. As far as I am aware, there will be at least five books in the series, Rome, Nash and Rowdy. I hope everyone else enjoys reading this book as much as I did!