Tuesday 8 October 2013

Review: Free Falling by Kirtsy Moseley

Kirsty Moseley is one of my favourite authors (if not my favourite). When I saw that she had released a new book, Free Falling, I had to read it there and then! I didn't even bother reading the blurb because I knew it was going to be great.

What is the book about?

They say that your school years are supposed to be the best years of your life, and that you should make the most of them because you’ll miss them when you’re all grown up. Up until Maisie Preston’s senior year, she would have totally agreed with that statement. Life was great, she had everything going for her, excellent grades, great parents, an annoying yet caring twin brother, and an impossibly sweet boyfriend.

Everything was perfect - that is until the arrival of Zach Anderson. A misfit delinquent that seemed to bring with him a lot of bad karma. Is it just a coincidence that his arrival marks a significant change in Maisie’s life? Up until senior year, life was perfect, but things seem to be going downhill fast.

What did I think about the book?

This book is kind of a sequel to Always You, however you do not need to read the first book as Free Falling can be read as a stand alone book.

Basically, the connection between the two books is that Maisie Preston in Free Falling is the daughter of Clay and Riley Preston from Always You. There is no reference to the prior book in the sequel so do not worry if you haven't read the first book (even though you totally should because it is amazing!!!)

Like it's parent book Always You, Free Falling is a brilliant book and a must read for everyone. It was just as captivating and enthralling as it's predecessor, if not more.

Warning: once you start to read this book will not want to put it down!

This book is a little bit darker than her previous books, Always You and The Boy Who Sneaks in my Bedroom Window, however, for all you fellow Kirsty Moseley fans, you may have read Nothing Left to Lose which was available to read for free on Wattpad, however it is now just a sample as this book is due to be released on 5 November. If anyone wants to read some more of Kirsty's books that are available on Wattpad, she writes under the username Kirsty1000.

I am getting distracted now, so getting back to the point of this post, Free Falling is darker than Kirsty's other books, however is similar to Nothing Left to Lose, so if you liked this book you will like Free Falling.

I was a little bit thrown from the offset of this book because it starts with Maise Preston waking up on the morning of her birthday with her incredibly sweet boyfriend, Luke. Normally books show relationship progression or they start with the main character in a disfunctional relationship where one is horrible and treats the other badly, however Maisie and Luke's relationship is not like this. They are blissfully happy and very much in love with each other.

That is until Maisie and Luke go to a party and Luke is drugged and ends up having sex with the school mean girl. This causes Maisie to end things with Luke, but as the story progresses and they discover that Luke was drugged, Maisie tries to forgive and forget what she saw.

"It is easy to forgive, but the forgetting part, that was the hardest"- Maisie Preston

Maisie meets the new boy Zach Anderson, an aspiring free runner. Their first meeting is less than ideal, and not what you expect to be the foundation of a budding friendship, as Maisie, who is driving away from the party where she found her boyfriend naked and underneath another girl, nearly runs Zach over with her car. Luckily for both of them, Zach uses his free running skills to litterally run over the car.

When Zach and Alex, Maisie's twin brother, become friends, Maisie is suddenly forced to spend more time with Zach as he is always at their house, and a friendship between the two eventually ensues.

Soon, Maisie starts to receive threatening letters. She tries to ignore them, until things esculate further and someone in her school is murdered, causing her to fear for her life. Maisie eventually tells others about the letters she has been receiving, getting support from all of those around her including Luke and Zach.

"I just needed Luke. He was like a safety blanket, and it was a natural response to throw myself on him"- Maisie Preston

Prior to her senior year, Maisie's life has been pretty simple, however all of a sudden her life is starting to fall apart at the sems. Is it just a coincidence that everything started happening with the arrive of Zach Anderson, the rebel free runner?

"Yeah I'm the stupid one. I'm the one who set fire to my old school and got kicked out. I'm the one who's repeating senior year because I couldn't be bothered to turn up and go to class" - Maisie Preston

The ending to the book is a bit frustrating because I still had so many questions and really want to know what happens next for Maisie. I am really hoping that Kirsty Moseley is going to write a sequel to this book (that continues from where this one ended) as I really want to know how Maisie deals with the aftermath of discovering the person behind all the letters.

Everyone who has not already read this book, you need to go and purchase this right now! You will not regret it. It is an amazing book.