Tuesday 28 January 2014

Review: Broken by Kelly Elliott

What is the Broken about?

Layton Morris and his brother Mike grew up not knowing what it would be like to live in a normal home. With no running water or electricity in their home, no parents around to protect them, they quickly learned how to survive and depend only on each other.

When a tragic accident takes Mike away from Layton, and the only other person that he ever let into his heart walked away from him, leaving his heart shattered, Layton focuses all of his time and energy into the ranch he and his brother dreamed of. He makes a vow to himself to never let love in again. The last thing Layton needed or wanted was more heartache.

Whitley Reynolds grew up in a privileged home in upstate New York. When she landed the star football player in high school no one was surprised, not even Whitley. She dreamed of a life with Roger living in New York City and happily followed him there.

The first time Roger hit her for arguing with him about a dinner party, she forgave him. The more it happened, the further Whitley withdrew from her friends and family. One fateful day things go to far. Whitley makes a promise to herself and finds the courage to do the one thing she thought she’d never be able to do.

Fleeing with her best friend Courtney, Whitley was determined to put her past behind her and start a new life in the small town of Llano, Texas, where no one would ever find out about her past.

Will they both ever learn to trust and love again, or will their pasts come back to haunt them, keeping them both alone and…


What did I think of Broken?

First of all if you have read Kelly Elliott's previous work, and liked it, then you will love her new book, Broken. If you haven't read her previous work but love a steamy romance book about a girl who is (for want of a better word) broken, with a handsome cowboy, and some fun loving friends, then you will like this book.

There are some similarities between Broken, and the Wanted series, such as, it is set in Texas, it has hot cowboys, and it is a romance book.

For the differences, the characters in Broken are older than those that are in the Wanted series, also this book has a darker feel to it, with a complex storyline.

The book starts with a little bit of a backstory into Whitley, who is abused by her boyfriend, a successful business man. One day, after a good beating from her fiance, Whitley's best friend, Courtney, convinces her that she has to leave Roger, and start her life again somewhere else. With that, they both both decided to move to a small town in Texas to start their own event planning company. Whitley doesn't have the best of luck, as her car breaks down while she is on her way to meet her first client. Luckly for her, her luck is about to change, with the arrival of a handsome cowboy on horseback.

Layton is a honest to god cowboy, with his own ranch which his father left to him, sadly Layton's backstory is not as happy as you would think. Growing up, Layton's father left him and his brother to fend for themselves on the ranch, where there was so hot water or electricity. And to make matters worse, they were both only young teenagers at the time! Layton and his brother make a promise to each other that they are going to restore the ranch back to it's former glory one day.

Whitley and Layton butt heads immediately, as Whitley doesn't want to be seen or act like a damsel in destress, while Layton is just trying to be a southern gentleman and help a lady out...

Together they learn to let love in again, learn that with love they can feel less broken. Sadly happiness never lasts long, with Layton's ex fiance meddling in the couple's relationship, while they be able to find their happily ever after?

I have to say that I really enjoyed the book, and hope that others will agree that this is a fantastic start in what I expect will be a brilliant series. I look forward to the next book in the series, Broken Dreams, which is expected to be released on 25 March 2014! I will leave you with some of my favourite quotes...

"Yep... she's fucking trying to kill me. Act cool Layton. You're not interested in her. Just friends... talking about... orgasms... with vibrators."

"When you first met me Whitley, I was so damaged. I had a broken heart that was still bleeding. When I look into your eyes... I feel... like my heart is healing."

"Gasp! I can't believe you called them stupid stories. I'm so not buying you a Kindle for Christmas. Hey I get more pleasure from my books than anything else."

"You want me to, what, Whitley? Love you? Because I have loved you since the moment I saw you standing next to your car, since the moment your beautiful green eyes looked into mine. The moment I heard your sweet voice talk to me, I knew deep down inside that I would love you forever."