Saturday 6 July 2013

Bad Blogger!

Ok everyone, I have been a bad blogger recently... I apologise.

I have been really busy as I am coming to the end of my year long internship at The Walt Disney Company, and had essays to write for university so I have been neglecting you. But I have been reading so there is some good news.

For those of you who follow me, may know that I have set myself a challenge to read 200 books in 2013 and raise some money for child abuse at the same time....

So I thought I should give you an update on my progress in my challenge. The last update I wrote was a long time ago and it was to let you know that I had read 50 books and was 25% into my goal... well now it is the 6 July and I should be well past 50% with 100 books down, however, I have not got that far.

I have read 86 books, so I am well past my 75 books milestone, that my couch bought me a little gift to celebrate. I will detail that in a seperate post. :)

If I have any supporters out their, I don't know, but I hope I do... do not fair, I have not given up on my challenge and I am confident that I will be knocking down those books within the next couple of months as I will not have a job or any essays to complete until I return to university in October.

If anyone would like to donate to the NSPCC through my Just Giving page then please do, any support will be greatly appreciated! And it is a great cause.