Tuesday 18 March 2014

Review: A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger

A Midsummer's Nightmare really was great. Reading it made me reflect so much on my own life, and my own feelings, as you will understand from reading this (very personal) review. I gave it FIVE STARS because it was so great!

What is A Midsummer's Nightmare about?

Whitley Johnson's dream summer with her divorcé dad has turned into a nightmare. She's just met his new fiancée and her kids. The fiancée's son? Whitley's one-night stand from graduation night. Just freakin' great.

Worse, she totally doesn't fit in with her dad's perfect new country-club family. So Whitley acts out. She parties. Hard. So hard she doesn't even notice the good things right under her nose: a sweet little future stepsister who is just about the only person she's ever liked, a best friend (even though Whitley swears she doesn't "do" friends), and a smoking-hot guy who isn't her stepbrother...at least, not yet. It will take all three of them to help Whitley get through her anger and begin to put the pieces of her family together.

Filled with authenticity and raw emotion, Whitley is Kody Keplinger's most compelling character to date: a cynical Holden Caulfield-esque girl you will wholly care about.

What did I think about A Midsummer's Nightmare?

I accidentally stumbled across A Midsummer's Nightmare when searching Amazon and Goodreads for a good book. I have read so many books now that I struggle to find something to read that I actually really enjoy. As a result of reading a lot of 'OK' books, my Amazon recommendations that I rely so heavily upon has been setting me astray from the great books out there. Anyway,  after searching through the two sites I found A Midsummer's Nightmare which seemed promising from the blurb and it really lived up to my expectations! Actually it surpassed my expections! I really really loved it, as I am sure you can understand by the five star rating I gave it!

God this book was really great! The story line wasn't completely original or anything like that (which I don't really expect). I mean there is only SO many storylines that can be written to fit in the genre. Due to this I have found that a lot of books go way over the top, and that makes the story less realistic and harder to connect with the characters in the book. I digress, back to my review of the book! What makes this book so special is not the story line its self, but they characters and the way that the book is written that really captivates you and compels you to want more and more.

I cried so many times reading this book, I don't know if that is just because I can really relate to Whitley's situation (not that I have fallen in love with my step brother, that would be weird cause they are younger than me!). My parents got divorced before I was born so I didn't really know any different than having seperate parents. I was very lucky as my step dad was great and I saw him as my dad, as my dad was absent most of my life and didn't really have much contact with him while I was growing up. Over the years I have had occasional visits with my dad, and at the moment we are trying to reconnect after him being absent from my life for most of my life. However, it is hard because he has remarried and has a daughter, and it is difficult seeing that family dynamic that they have that I never got to have with him. Do not take this as a pity story because I really do love my step mom, she is great and I don't remember a time that she hasn't been in my life (and I am 24, so they have been together for a long time!). And my little sister is great! I love her very much and she is cute as a button and she makes you want to give her anything she wants because she has this great personality and infectious happiness. When I say anything she wants, I mean within reason, she is not spoiled or anything, she is a very happy go lucky kind of girl, a lot like Bailey in A Midsummer's Nightmare. When I visit sometimes I feel like I am on the outside looking in. Like I am reading a book or watching a movie and I am not really there, as if my reality is fiction. I think that causes a disconnect with me and my father and has possibly contributed to the way our relationship is now and has been for so many years. Do not get me wrong, my father is not a bad dad or anything like that, I think he struggles with long distance parenting (seeing as I live on a different continent, it can be quite difficult) and I think that it helps that I am an 'adult' now so he doesn't have to be strict and impose rules on me. Now when I visit it is a lot more relaxing and fun and slowly but surely we are building a relationship.

Like Whitley, I am stubborn. I am not good with communicating my feelings with people and can sit around with something for days, months or even years without telling people what or how I feel. People in my family can continue on with their lives without even knowing that I am struggling with emotions and feeling, because on the outside I look and act (well I think I do) as if nothing is wrong. To me (and this is also where I am very similar to Whitley's character) crying in front of others is a weaknesses and can cause people to pity you and therefore I do not like to do it, this further makes me bottle everything up inside of me. Like the saying, 'what comes up, must come down' or apt, what goes in, must come out. Eventually I explode and that can derail me for days at a time and I shut myself off from the world, separate myself from reality. Like Whitley, I do not like being vulnerable, and this makes dealing with situations with my dad a lot more difficult to resolve. How can someone fix something if they do not know it is broken? Not that I am broken, just got a dew dings and dents (like Whitley).

For this reason, I really loved Nathan's character. He really is a great guy (sadly he is not real). Anyway, he really pushes Whitley to talk to her father and repair their broken relationship. As a stubborn teenager myself, can I just say it is not easy to be open up to people and be vulnerable, and I have been told my whole life by people in my family 'if you want a relationship with your father, you have to push for it'. At the time, I was a firm believer, and to some extent still believe this, that the parent needs to be the one making the effort to build and maintain a relationship with their children, at the end of the day we are children, you are the adult. However as I got older I realised that someone has to make the first move, whether that is through increasing communication, or like me, staying in my dad's house instead of my older sisters when I went to visit. This is what Nathan pushes Whitley to finely understand and makes his character really endearing.

Like Sylvia, Whitley's future step mom, my step mom was the bridge between my father and me. She was the one that would discipline me when I visited my dad's house. She was the one that I could talk to about talk to about things that were going on in my life. She was the one that I went shopping with, and spent most of the time with. Unlike Whitley's situation, I did not suddenly gain a step mom and two step siblings at the age of 18, as Sam (my step mom) has been with my dad since as long as I can remember, so it was more natural than Whitley's situation. However I did gain (another) step dad and three step siblings at the age of 18 on my mothers side (my family tree is so complex, true modern family), so I really have had a similar experience to that of Whitley. At this point I already had a step dad and step mom as well as a couple half siblings and a step sister, so I think I had a handle on the whole rapid family expansion thing by this point, so for me it wasn't so stressful.

Over the years I have learned that gaining a step family adds value to a family, not devalues my position within it, much like Whitley's situation in A Midsummer's Nightmare. In addition, me gaining step parents, especially step dads, helped me to have a more normal upbringing (as weird as that may seem) as I got to grow up in a home where my 'parents' were with the people that made them happiest, and didn't just stay together for the kids. Even though it may hurt the kids initially when a family breaks up, in the long run it is more damaging to bring up children in a home where their parents are unhappy. Furthermore, by gaining new parents I was able to have a father in the house growing up. From the age of four til twelve I had lived with my first step dad and that allowed me to have a dad that I got to cuddle up with on the sofa, or sit on his lap, or looked after me when I was sick. And then when I was 18 my mom started dating my second (and hopefully final) step dad. Scott (step daddy number two) was a little bit different from my first step dad, maybe it is because I am not a 'little' girl anymore, but I also think he is not the cuddly daddy type either so our relationship is a bit different. There is more of a camaraderie esque type of relationship between us but I still push the boundaries sometimes and cuddle with him on the sofa when I make him watch Disney movies with me or call him dad (mostly when I want something). Most people think I am messing around when I do it as they think I just want something from them, but the truth is no matter how old I get, I will always be a little girl who needs a daddy.

Once this was all written down, I considered deleting this and writing a simpler review that was less personal, as you will now know, I do not like to share my real emotions and feelings. And putting it out there on the internet is not a small scale share session! The whole review may not even be read fully, however, I decided that this was the best way for me to explain why I loved A Midsummer's Nightmare so much, was to explain why I felt so connected with the story. And that is all a result of Kody Keplinger's amazing writing ability! I cried so many times as the story unfolded, and for me that is what makes a good book! Not crying, I don't need to cry for the book to be good, I just need to feel some emotion and connection with the characters. The story line does not need to be completely original or over the top dramatic, sometimes simple really is better! So everyone read this book, it is BRILLIANT!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Review: Forgiving Lies by Molly McAdams

I do not know why it took me so long to read this book, because I loved all the other book I have read by Molly McAdams. So I have finally read this book and was very happy!

What is Forgiving Lies about?

A matter of secrets...
Undercover cop Logan "Kash" Ryan can't afford a distraction like his new neighbor Rachel Masters, even if she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. To catch a serial killer, he needs to stay focused, yet all he can think about is the feisty, long-legged coed whose guarded nature intrigues him.

A matter of lies...
Deceived and hurt before, Rachel would rather be a single, crazy cat lady than trust another guy, especially a gorgeous, tattooed bad boy with a Harley, like Kash. But when his liquid-steel eyes meet hers, it takes all of Rachel's will-power to stop herself from exploring his hot body with her own.

A matter of love...
As much as they try to keep it platonic, the friction between them sparks an irresistible heat that soon consumes them. Can Kash keep Rachel's heart and her life safe even as he risks his own? Will she be able to forgive his lies ... or will she run when she discovers the dangerous truth?

What did I think about Forgiving Lies?

I am just going to get straight into my review of the book, instead of starting with the character breakdown, I am just going to start expressing my love for this book!

This book has everything! A complex love story, with some suspense in the 'will they, won't they' department, characters that you can fall in love with, and some danger to keep you on your toes! And to top it all off, the best sex scene I have ever read about! It was so good I had to read it three times, and I have read a lot of naughty books and they have NOTHING on Rachel and Kash!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Review: Broken by Kelly Elliott

What is the Broken about?

Layton Morris and his brother Mike grew up not knowing what it would be like to live in a normal home. With no running water or electricity in their home, no parents around to protect them, they quickly learned how to survive and depend only on each other.

When a tragic accident takes Mike away from Layton, and the only other person that he ever let into his heart walked away from him, leaving his heart shattered, Layton focuses all of his time and energy into the ranch he and his brother dreamed of. He makes a vow to himself to never let love in again. The last thing Layton needed or wanted was more heartache.

Whitley Reynolds grew up in a privileged home in upstate New York. When she landed the star football player in high school no one was surprised, not even Whitley. She dreamed of a life with Roger living in New York City and happily followed him there.

Chapter 1 & 2: Sustain by Tijan

It has been awhile since I have written on here. I have been swept away in the literary world and cannot seem to pull myself away!

First Two Chapters of Sustain

Tijan has kindly shared and allowed me to share the first two chapters of Sustain, the third book in the Broken and Screwed series.

Please note that this has not been fully edited and may change before it is published.


Working at The Normandy was one thing, but studying there at night was preposterous. It wasn’t my first choice, but instead of spending my Thursday evening earning some money at the college bar, I was trying to cram whatever last scraps of information I could into my brain before our chemistry test the next day. The study group of twenty was stuck in the middle of all the action. Large television screens took up one entire wall with more mounted in the corners around the place. There was a dance floor. There was a dj booth. There were couches, pool tables, hockey tables, even some foosball tables. There was even a kitchen on one side of the bar to get any type of food dipped in grease. People had to go and line-up to put their order in, one thing I loved about the bar when I showed up, asking for a job.
I’ve been tending bar for a long time, longer than it was legal for me to do, but a year and a half ago I quit at The Jukebox. It was dive bar, but known in Grant West as the band bar. If someone wanted their band to get noticed, they tried to play there. Their reputation was stellar. It was where a lot of the scouts came for labels or agents looking to pick up a new client. It was where my brother’s band, Sustain, got their first notice before they went onto global stardom. I should know. I was the one who organized the entire thing, but that was before I decided to go the normal route.
Dropping my last name, my ex-boyfriend got me a fake passport, social security card, and drivers’ license with my new name. Brielle Collins. It wasn’t original. I picked up my middle name, but that got me into the school. Paying everything out of pocket was expensive and when I scouted the campus, I got my lucky break. The manager at this bar was an old friend, someone who owed me a bunch of favors. Dustin agreed to give me a job and I would get paid in cash. The less of a paper trail the better, and no it’s not because I’m some criminal. It’s because if anyone knew who I was, my life as a normal girl would be over.
“Douchebag!” someone shrieked behind me, following that up with a giggle. A masculine grunt sounded next as he replied, “Oh, you like that.”
She giggled some more. Score one for the douchebag.
“Ugh.” The girl next to me threw them a glare after they bumped into her chair. “We’re studying here.”
“Oh.” More giggling and the guy tried to apologize, “My bad.” His friend whispered, “It was your fault too.” Again. More giggles.
Once more—studying at the Normandy was preposterous.
Checking my phone, I had two more hours before I had to go to my second job, the one I hadn’t quit because people there kept their mouths shut. They were mostly older nurses and nurse aides and they had been working with me since I was sixteen. They worked with my mother as well and the few students who got a job at the nursing home never became my friend. That was how I kept my two lives separate. Brielle Collins who went to school at Grant West University and the one who worked at The Normandy had no friends. I was never chatty with anyone and if I did have to talk to them, like now during a study group, no pleasantries were exchanged. Dustin was my one friend at college and he was too scared of me to socialize. The other girl, Brielle Masterson, sister to Braden Masterson, the esteemed drummer for Sustain, that girl had a few friends but still kept to herself. It wasn’t a great life, but it was real. I’d gotten too sick of the fake people who only befriended me to get to my brother. And the other way I kept everything separate? No facebook. No Instagram. No twitter. No anything else that was considered social media. I had email and I used the internet for school. That was it. It was old school, but it worked for me.
What else worked for me? Silence. I needed it to be quiet when I studied. I was ready to slice someone if I heard one more giggle from the douchebag’s future-one-night-bag.
“Oh, William, you’re so big.” The same girl gasped in an awed whisper this time.
That was it. Decision made. I didn’t want to go to jail so I reached for my bag and stood up. A few of my study group gave me startled looks, but I didn’t give a damn. Hadn’t been friendly while we were studying, wasn’t going to be now. I was almost to the door when the music suddenly stopped. My hand touched the door handle to open it when I heard, “This is Derek Starr from KGBLN103 and guess who we have in the studio?” He leaned closer to the microphone. “That’s right, folks. They’re back from the last worldwide tour. This is your last stop before home, right, guys?”
I let go of the door.
Someone answered, “Yes, it is.”
I closed my eyes. My hand shook. No words were said, no names had been told, but I knew that voice. I knew that voice more than I knew my own.
I was definitely leaving now.
“It’s Sustain, everyone! That’s right, the global superstars are in the studio with us this evening.”
There was one nanosecond of silence. Only one nanosecond and then the screams erupted all around the Normandy. If a person went to Grant West University and they didn’t know the local connections from Sustain, that person was a social hermit like myself. Everyone knew.
“Luke, tell us about the tour and what’s next for the band?”
More excited squeals erupted.
“Our plans are a two week vacation before the festival,” Luke’s voice silenced the room. His smooth tenor had the same magical effect when he spoke as when he sang to thousands in an arena. They were spellbound, but that was Luke. He had charisma up the ass. Three years ago I would’ve added the comment of ‘what a fine ass it was too,’ but that was three years ago. I wasn’t that girl, but I still couldn’t say anything about his ass. The room spoke for it. They all wanted to pounce on it.
“And by festival, you mean the Grant Festival in your home town?” The deejay continued, “You guys started that festival two years ago and it’s grown tremendously, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” my brother spoke next.
A quick grin came to my face, but I had to stop it. The less I showed, the better.
Braden added, “We started it so that the local bands could be spotlighted. There’s some great bands in Grant West, but the response from everyone was huge.”
“Yeah, yeah.” The deejay’s excitement grew. “It’s phenomenal now. You guys have artists like Kara and Money coming.”
“Yeah and bands like FordPlay, Crisis of Junction.” Braden’s excitement grew as well. “We heard today that Jory committed too.”
“That band is huge. Well,” the deejay reigned himself in. “They’re not as big as you guys. I don’t think anyone is as big as you guys right now.”
Luke chuckled, “Right now is the key term.”
“Whatever.” Braden had leaned even closer to the microphone. “We’ll take it. This is our glory days right now.”
“It certainly is,” the deejay chuckled. “I’ve heard you guys have some new music coming out soon. That’s not normal. Bands usually have to rest for awhile after their tours.”
“We’re not normal.”
“No, you guys certainly aren’t. I believe, Luke, you wrote this song, didn’t you?”
Luke spoke, “Yes. I wrote it on tour when we were flying to Tokyo.”
“And you recorded it just like that?”
“Just like that.”
My heart stopped, only for a second. I could hear the smile in his voice. Taking a deep breath, there was no way I could go anywhere without hearing this song. He was proud of it. It meant something to him.
“All right. Without further ado, here’s the latest and greatest from Sustain, folks. Luke, do you want to give them the name of the song?”
“Sure. Everyone, here is Silence.”
A small bubble burst up inside of me at that title. The one word was all it took. I was floored and then the music began and his soft voice came next. It was like he was singing straight to me as I heard the words,
“Voices all around me. People saying this, meaning that. None of them know
None of them understand
All I need is some silence beside me, right beside me
All I need is you, you’re the silent one who never needs
You never demand
You never bargain
You never need, but I do. I need
And I need what only you can give, is your silence—”
Luke wasn’t singing to me, but that was the power he had over most of the female population. They all felt he was singing to them. Grabbing my bag, I pushed through the door and darted down the stairs. I didn’t want sit around and hear all of them gush over the new song. They’d be gushing over it for the next year. That song was going to top the charts, like a lot of their other songs.
They weren’t even home and I was already sick of them.
“Yeah, they’ll probably be at Red Dawgs tonight even.”
Going through the last set of doors to the outside, the cool air didn’t shock me as much as hearing another voice I recognized. He was standing on the other side of the post and a puff of smoke floated in the air. I rolled my eyes, but heard two girls ask, “You think so? Seriously? Sustain’s coming tonight?”
“Oh yeah. Definitely. They hang out at the bar all the time.”
“How do you know that?” The second girl was breathless.
Another puff of smoke floated up before he replied, “I grew up with them.”
The first one gasped. “You did?”
“Since we were little. Emerson’s one of my best friends.”
“And they hang out at Red Dawgs?”
The second girl grew more cautious. “What is that?”
“It’s a bar, a little dive bar, but they hang out there all the time.”
“Erica,” the first one hissed. “Who cares? Sustain might be there.”
He added after taking another drag on his cigarette, “They play there too sometimes.”
That was enough to seal the deal. Both of them squealed and then ran off. The first one waved over her shoulder as I stepped around the post. She shouted back, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Her friend caught her hand and urged her to go faster. “Come on, Tess. We have to change.”
They both shrieked as they disappeared around a building. Then I turned with my eyebrow arched high and took in the sight. Elijah grinned at me. A corner of his lip curved up and he ground out his cigarette before lighting another one. He was leaning against the post. Baggy jeans that had the ends torn, a black tee shirt with one gaping hole in the side. It gave a peak at the tattoo he had put on his lanky body long ago. It was a weaving pattern of lines that formed an image of a gun from far away. When the tattoo was inspected closely the lines were made by a form of script from another language. Elijah never told me that language, but I never asked. That had been one of the reasons we were friends from childhood until four years ago. Neither of us enjoyed talking.
He straightened now after taking a second drag from his cigarette. “Heya, Bria.”
I bared my teeth at him. “It’s Bri or Brielle. No Bria anymore.”
“No?” His eyebrow went up.
“That’s too bad.” I could tell he didn’t care as his grin only widened.
I gestured in the direction of the two girls. “What are you doing here and what are you doing telling those girls about Red Dawgs? Luke and Braden will never step in foot in that bar.”
His grin flashed into a full-fledged one before he shoved one hand into his jean’s pocket. “I wasn’t lying about everything. Emerson is my best friend.”
“Because you were his drug dealer once and he’s hoping you’ll start selling again.”
He shrugged. “Don’t matter, but I know those girls are going to tell their whole floor and the rumor will spread all over campus that Sustain hangs out at my bar.”
Of course. It was making sense now. “You spread the rumor so that you’ll get more customers.” I shook my head. “I shouldn’t even be surprised.” It was ingenious and something Elijah would do when he saw the opportunity. “Is that why you’re here? To spread that rumor? You’re the new manager there, aren’t you?” He’d been security before that.
He stood over me at six feet, and his green eyes narrowed as he saw something I wished he hadn’t. Elijah was like that. He fooled a lot of people. They perused him at a quick glance, saw his skinny frame, pretty-boy looks, and dismissed him as anything except threatening. That was always their mistake. He might’ve always wore an easy grin, but he could be lethal and a genius. He could also read me how only three other people in the world could.
“I came here to check on you,” he murmured, still studying me intently.
I tensed. I didn’t ask why. He had heard the interview on the radio. “How’d you know I was here?” The only person who knew I had a job on campus was my mother and there was no way she had told. Elijah helped me get into school, but that was it. He wouldn’t know the rest. It had been a favor I cashed in. Things were still tense between us and I knew I had never been chatty with him.
He shrugged again, finishing his cigarette and returning to his deceptive relaxed state. Elijah was never relaxed. “I might know someone who knows someone who knows you.”
A smooth chuckle came from him. “It’s true. I know you’re all anti-social here and don’t want anyone to know you’re Braden’s sister, but there were a few people who do know you.”
I didn’t believe him, but I shook my head. This was typical Elijah. He wasn’t going to give me a straight answer. “So you really came to check on me?”
There it was. I heard the soft undertone in his voice. He’d been telling me the truth. “You don’t have to check on me. I’m not going to fall apart.”
“He’s coming back to town.”
“So?” I glared even though I wasn’t feeling it. “And you don’t know if he actually is coming. His dad lives in Los Angeles now. He moved out to help with their last album. If they have vacation, Luke won’t come here, he’ll go there.”
“He’ll come here.” There was that same soft tone from Elijah.
My glare wasn’t forced this time. He didn’t need to be concerned. “Stop it, Eli. Luke and I are friends. That’s all we’ve ever been. This is all for nothing.”
He laughed and shoved his free hand into his other jean’s pocket. Wearing a black sweatshirt, he pulled the hood so only his pretty-boy face was seen. His green eyes narrowed for a second, but then I saw him decide against something. He shrugged again. “To each their own, I suppose.” He began walking past me towards the car lot.
I waited.
Then he turned around and walked backwards. He winked at me, “Whatever you have to say to make sure you sleep at night, but we both know why you broke up with me all those years ago.”
I rolled my eyes, but he had already turned back around. I raised my voice, “I dumped you because you sold drugs.”
He kept going, but lifted a hand in the air for a casual wave. Then he began jogging across the road into the next lot. Even though he couldn’t see, I flicked him off before I headed in the opposite direction. For that night, I wished that I was going to work at The Jukebox again. Bar fights always broke out there. I could’ve used a good old-fashioned one. There was some energy I needed to work off.


When I pulled in our driveway after a half shift that night and headed inside, I hadn’t even cleared the gate around our yard before I saw him. Standing with his back towards me was Luke Skeet. A guitar rested on his back with the strap across his chest. He was holding his arms out for something from someone still inside.
I had two seconds to savor this moment.
Oh hell. He looked good.
Lean build. Trim waist. Slightly defined shoulders. He wore what he always wore growing up. Jeans that hung a little low from his waist, but not low enough for most females’ appreciation. He had a nice six pack under there. I couldn’t see it where I stood, but I knew it was there. He was blessed with great genetics. He barely exercised and maintained all those muscles. The simple tee shirts he wore accentuated the curves of his shoulder blades. The shirt was pressed against his back now as his arms were in front of him, waiting, so I could see how his back was still sculpted even around the guitar. He wasn’t too muscular, but his lean frame was mouth-watering.
“Here, mate.” Braden’s voice sounded from the opened doorway. “Take these to the truck. We can come later for the rest or see if Bri will bring them .”
That was my brother. It’d been a year and he was here. I must’ve let out some sound because both turned to me. Luke’s grey eyes widened a fraction of an inch, but I couldn’t look at him, not just yet. Focusing on my brother, I was surprised to see the shaggy black hair was gone. It had been buzzed down, but it showcased his dark eyes and dimples even more. Shit. I was taken aback at Braden’s transformation. Everyone gushed over his good looks before, but he looked like model material now. My days of being the pretty twin were over. A bright smile lit up his face and he jumped around Luke to run to me. I hadn’t taken one step forward before he caught me in his arms and lifted me in the air. Twirling me around, I felt him breathe into my neck. He hugged me as tight as I was hugging him. “Brielle.”
I wound my arms around his neck and clasped onto him. I didn’t want to let go. There were tears in my eyes, but I didn’t care. Snot could’ve been hanging from my nose and it wouldn’t have mattered at all. No matter what problem, no matter who hurt us, it was Braden and me. Always. I couldn’t talk for a moment. The tears had moved into my throat and they were choking me. I held on tighter. It was all I could do at that moment.
Skimming my hand over his buzz cut, I asked once he let me go, “When did this happen? You never said anything about it.”
His hand replaced mine and he ran it briskly over his hair before letting it drop to his side. “You don’t like it?”
“No. You’re prettier than me now.”
A side of his mouth curved up and he winked. “Bri, I’ve always been the hot twin. Just never told you. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
I hit his bicep, laughing, but he bent and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Braden!” Lifting me in the air, he maneuvered me so I was bent around him. One arm went around my legs and the other went around my shoulders. I was horizontal to the ground now and once the breath came to me, I tried punching him in the air. Hard. “Put me down.”
“No way.” He began moving in a circle.
“Braden!” Oh god. I closed my eyes as he sped up. “You’re going to make me sick.”
“That’s the point.”
Shit. The vomit was starting—“Braden, if you don’t put me down I will grab your nuts and rip them off.”
I was dropped the next second.
Oomph. My shoulder hit the ground first, but I rolled away. It was just like Braden to grab somewhere else, somewhere I couldn’t hit his groin and he could still torment me. When I stood, he’d been bending for my feet. Fucker. I rammed my foot up into his face. His eyes went wide, but he ducked in time and jumped back. “Bri!”
“Don’t do that shit,” I growled. Then my stomach growled again. Oh god. I was still going to throw up. Flinging my hand out, I tried to grab for the fence. It was somewhere behind me, but I couldn’t find it. I was going to fall again. I was so damn dizzy, but someone grabbed my arm. The world was steady again.
I was thankful in one second and tormented in the next. That hand had been etched in my memory for years. Luke was watching me under his eyelids. The old intensity was there in his grey eyes. I wanted to move away. I needed to, but my feet weren’t moving. No part of my body was going. There went my control. My body was staying. It knew where it wanted to be and my brain wasn’t moving it.
Braden was glaring and grinning at the same time. The grin won out. He threw his head back and started laughing. “I should’ve flown you out over the past year. Why the hell didn’t I?”
He started coming for me, but I held my hand out. “You stay there.”
He did. The same wicked grin was still there. “Missed you, sis.”
The world was still spinning around me and my stomach wanted to upheave. I groaned, “Missed you too.”
“Bri,” our mother spoke from the house. She had stepped through the open doorway in a robe. Tugging it tighter around her, she said, “Braden and Luke said something about a welcome home party. Do you work tomorrow at the nursing home?”
I nodded. The world had stopped spinning, but Luke’s hand was so welcoming.
“I’ll cover for you.” She gestured to a large truck in the driveway. “You go out with the guys tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Go.” She gave me a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. Shelly mentioned wanting a double shift. She’s on tonight. I can give her a call to see if she’ll take it.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
“Then I’ll work it for you. Go and have fun with your brother. Say hi to your cousin too.”
Emerson. Who was probably going to Red Dawgs, where Elijah worked, who Braden and Luke would not be happy hearing about. I was tempted to stay home and keep my shift at work. I sighed as I thought about that conversation.
“What’s wrong?” The quiet question came from beside me. He had spoken so no one else heard.
I shrugged. “It’s nothing.”
Braden went to hug our mother.
“You still twitch when you lie.”
“Don’t make me rip your nuts off either,” I warned, though my heart had sped up at the reminder from him. In some ways Luke knew me better than my brother, better than Elijah too. A slight surge of panic came over me. They were here for two weeks. I wasn’t going to be able to handle it.
He laughed, the sound of it was intimate and intoxicating. I found myself swaying closer to him.
He murmured, his breath teasing my skin, “You look good, Brielle.”
Oh god. The way he said my name. I felt doused with ecstasy.
Pulling me closer to him, he bent his head so I felt his breath against my lips. “I’d like to talk to you about some things. Can we talk later?”
About what? The slight twinge of panic had increased, but I nodded. “Sure.”
“You ready, Bri?”
Braden had gone to the black truck. The door was open and he was standing on the foot step. Carla had gone inside. As I glanced at the house, the kitchen light turned off. Then Luke released my hand and moved away. I shivered from the absence of his warmth, but gritted my teeth. Goddammit. I wasn’t going that route. Again.
I clipped my head in a nod. “Yeah. Coming.”
Luke went to the front passenger door and Braden gestured to the backseat. “Climb in. Don’t be afraid of Hank.”
Hank was a big guy. As I got comfortable in my seat, I couldn’t stop staring. He was really huge. His shoulders were scrunched forward and his legs wouldn’t fit behind Luke’s seat. His left leg was in my space. Shit. Giving me a tentative grin, he ducked his bald head down and tried to fit better in his seat. I didn’t know how he could. He was too big for the entire truck. Since this truck was on bigwheels, I wondered how big this guy really was.
“Hank’s our muscle,” Braden answered my unspoken question as he reversed out of our driveway. “Say hi, Hank.”
“Bri, say hi back.”
I lifted a hand in a wave.
He waved back before looking away.
“You guys have muscle now?”
“Yeah, Peter wants us to have security. We told him that we didn’t need any in Grant. It’s our home town and we don’t go anywhere mainstream anymore, but he wouldn’t drop it. So Hank gets a free vacation for two weeks. You hear that, Hank?” Braden said to him, “You get to party with the rest of us.”
He didn’t respond.
The dude was scary. I’d been privy to a few events where the crowds went nuts for Sustain, but I agreed with my brother this time. When the last time things got crazy in Grant West? Then I remembered everyone’s reactions at the Normandy during their interview. “Don’t go to the college.”
Braden laughed. “Not planning on getting an education yet, sis. One day maybe, but not today.”
“So where are we going?” If they weren’t going mainstream that meant the little dive bars or private homes. “The Shack?”
Luke glanced back at me.
I tried to ignore the feeling of being burned by his gaze.
“Emerson said he was headed to Red Dawgs.” He narrowed his eyes as he saw my reaction. I was biting down on my lip. “We thought we’d go there for a little and then head to the Shack.”
“No. Don’t do that.”
“Why?” both Braden and Luke asked.
“No reason.” I scoffed at myself. I was being stupid. “Okay, you’re going to be pissed, but Elijah works at Red Dawgs now.”
“What? I thought he was at Club T.”
“He got fired.”
“What?” Braden bit out as he kept driving. “Did they catch him trying to sell drugs?”
It was the opposite, but I didn’t say anything. Braden and Luke wouldn’t believe me anyway, hell, even I didn’t believe it at times. “He’s manager at Red Dawgs now and he put out the rumor tonight you guys would be there.”
“He did what?”
“Yeah, so if you want to hide from the crowds, don’t go there.”
Luke cursed. “Emerson’s going to be skinned alive.”
Braden didn’t respond, but he asked, “Hank, you want us to drop you off? You should go in and see if he needs help.”
Hank nodded.
“People are going to see you in the truck,” I pointed out. “It won’t matter if you stay in the truck or how big it is. They’ll still swarm.”
“Windows are tinted. I got a special permit for them. No one will see us.”
He was right. When we went there, a group that was smoking outside watched the truck, but the line of girls waiting to get in didn’t give us a second look.
Luke shook his head. “Didn’t know Red Dawgs was the place to be in Grant West anymore.”
Braden grunted. “Think we can thank Elijah for using our name.”
Pulling into the parking lot, Braden started to park towards the front, but I saw the back door. Correction. I saw who was next to the back door. Hitting his seat, I told Braden, “Pull to the back.”
Elijah was standing outside having a smoke. A girl was pressed against his front. She had his shirt lifted up and was pressing kisses down his chest as he watched, still smoking. When our truck lingered, he watched us instead, but nothing changed in his demeanor. I rolled my window down and called out, “Is my cousin in there?”
A lazy grin came over him. He knew who else was in the truck with me. “That’s a new ride for you, Brielle.”
“Shut it, Eli. Where’s my cousin?”
He took a long drag off his cigarette before blowing it out. “E’s getting some action right now. Leave him be. He’ll come along when he’s ready.”
Braden growled and started to roll his window down.
“No, Bray,” I stopped him. “Elijah wants to piss you off. He wants you to show your face cause that girl will freak out and tell. That’ll only help his bar.” I rolled my window back up. “What do you guys want to do?”
Luke and Braden shared a look. We were at a loss. Emerson wasn’t the easygoing type. If he said he was going to do something or stay somewhere, he did. He didn’t care about the consequences. Then Luke turned to Hank. “You stay here. Bring him when he’s ready.”
The big guy clipped his head in a nod and then climbed out of the truck. As he stepped down, the truck moved with him, going down an inch. When he cleared and stood on the ground, the entire truck lifted back up an inch.
He started around the truck. His pants had moved down an inch, showing a good patch of ass crack, but he pulled them back up and pulled his black shirt down to cover everything. I knew the girls would be thankful inside.
Rolling my window back down, I told Elijah, “Let him in. He’s security for my cousin.”
As Hank walked past him, Elijah saluted him with his cigarette. I expected a smart reply from him, but for once, my drug dealer ex-boyfriend remained quiet. When he met my gaze again, I saw the hidden message in his depths. He jerked his gaze to the front of the truck.
I shrugged. He was asking if I was alright. The truth was that I didn’t know.
He frowned, but the silent conversation was done. The girl went back to kissing farther down his chest. His free hand went to cradle the back of her head and Braden gunned the engine, tearing away from Red Dawgs.
When my window had been raised and I leaned back in my seat, I was startled. Luke was staring right at me in the rearview mirror, and he didn’t look happy. He was pissed

If you love Tijan's work as much as me, then like her Facebook Page Tijan's Books.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Review: Nothing Left to Lose by Kirsty Moseley

I have finally completed reading Nothing Left to Lose by Kirsty Moseley. Warning: the book is very long so if you are looking for a quick read, this is not it.

What is Nothing Left to Lose about?

Annabelle Spencer’s life is every girl’s dream. She has wonderful parents, great friends, and of course the perfect boyfriend, Jack Roberts. That all changes on her sixteenth birthday when her life comes crashing down around her. Her dream night turns into a nightmare when Jack is murdered right in front of her, and she’s kidnapped by his murderer, Carter Thomas, a big time drug and arms dealer.

After five months of being with Carter, she’s found, but the experience has totally changed her. She’s no longer the happy-go-lucky girl that everyone used to know and love; she’s now cold, hard and suffers from night terrors. It appears that Carter broke not only her body, but her spirit too. A shadow of her former self, her slogan for life is now: ‘If you don’t care about anything, then you have nothing to lose’.

Carter is currently serving time for the murder of Jack, a conviction that Anna helped secure. But his retrial is coming up because some key evidence appears to have been tampered with. Unbeknown to Anna, death threats are being received by her father, the Senator. It appears that Carter is still interested in Anna and will stop at nothing to get her back.

Ashton Taylor is brought in to protect her. He’s a newly qualified SWAT agent, a bright spark, the agency’s new golden boy. He is assigned undercover, posing as her boyfriend. His job is to help her through college and keep her safe until the end of the trial in eight months’ time.

For three years she has been the broken, damaged girl, refusing to feel emotion or pain, but can Ashton help her rebuild her life and finally deal with the grief of losing her childhood sweetheart? Will he be the one to make her see that life is, in fact, worth living and that not all men will hurt her?

All the while, the shadow of the trial looms over the both of them, taunting them, reminding them that it isn’t over yet. After all, Carter Thomas will stop at nothing to be reunited with his ‘Princess’.

Due to heavy subject matter and sexual content, this book is recommended for ages 17+

What did I think the Nothing Left to Lose?

The book starts off by introducing you to Annabelle "Anna" Spencer, and her boyfriend Jackson "Jack" Roberts, as they wait in line to get into a club (fake IDs in hand), for Anna's 16th birthday. While waiting in line, Anna and Jack are approached by Carter Thomas and his friends, who offers to get Anna into the club without having to wait in the long line. Anna turns down his offer when it becomes clean that Jack is not included in the offer. Once Anna and Jack eventually get into the club, they have a great night, dancing and drinking the night away. As Anna and Jack had decided that her birthday would be the night that they would go all the way, Anna is anxious to leave and enjoy the rest of her night with Jack.

Unfortunately, Carter has other plans for how she will spend the night on her birthday. When Anna refuses to leave Jack, Carter takes matters into his own hands and kills Jack in front of Anna and kidnaps her, where she will remain for the next 10 months

Three years later, Anna is free of Carter, however is not free of the nightmares that haunt her as soon as her eyes are closed. Gone is the fun loving 16 year old that she once was. Carter Thomas took everything good from Anna. In her place is a broken girl, who is scared to be touched and hates the attention of men, so she hides her body with loss clothing. To protect herself, she has mastered martial arts and self defence training, so that if she ever comes face to Carter Thomas again, she will be able to protect herself.

"He can't hurt me anymore, no one can. I have nothing left to lose" -Annabelle Spencer

However, this protection mechanism is not limited to Carter. When men touch her, Anna reaches by breaking their nose to ensure that they understand not to touch her again. Sadly, this has caused her to be kicked out of numerous schools over the past two years. With her father running for president, and Anna having one last opportunity to start over at a new school, Anna is introduced to Ashton Taylor, her new near guard and pseudo-boyfriend.

After the death of his parents, Ashton Taylor grew up in foster care, with a rebellious streak in his teenage years, Ashton was on the path to becoming a law breaker, instead he turned his life around and decided to follow the law instead of breaking it. Now Ashton is a bad ass. He has just graduated from the police academy where he finished top in his class, setting 5 out of 7 records. Ashton has aspirations of working for SWAT on the front line, which is highly competitive and hard to get into. Ashton is given the mission of keeping Anna safe for the next 8 months, on the lead up to Carter's re-trail. If Ashton can successfully completed this mission, he will be given a job on the Front Line. The only problem - no near guard has managed to last more then a couple of months.

"All things worth having are worth fighting for" -Ashton Taylor

As soon as Ashton meets Anna, he is enamoured by her, and even though Anna is reluctant to admit it, she finds it hard to resist Ashton. Anna pushes the boundaries as often has possible, often leaving the compound without guards, Ashton realises that he has his hands full if he wants to protect Anna.

"Her eyes only flicked to me for a split second and held no reaction whatsoever before she turned to her father. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach tied in a knot. I wanted to run to her, wrap my arms around her, and tell her everything would be okay. I wanted to make her smile and hear her laugh. Oh fuck it; I really am in deep shit!" - Ashton Taylor

Anna struggles to deal with her feelings and attraction to Ashton, as she still is very much in love with Jack. She feels a lot of guilt over his death as she believes that she is to blame. After all, he was killed so that Carter could have her. As Anna and Ashton need to attend her new school under the guise of boyfriend and girlfriend, Anna has to learn to tolerate Ashton's touch. Anna is surprised to learn that he enjoys Ashton's touch and her body starts to crave the moments when they hold hands, or lock lips. This brings on a whole new layer of guilt for Anna as she feels like she is betraying Jack.

"There was just something about Ashton. He was slowly fixing me, I could feel it. The trouble was though that I actually felt guilty for letting him" - Annabelle Spencer

Then there is Carter Thomas. He is a drug dealer, murdered, and all around bad guy, with a very unhealthy obsession with Annabelle Spencer. While in jail, Carter sends Anna a letter every week, detailing how much he loves her, and that he can't wait to see her when he gets out of jail. Anna never receives these letters, as her father ensures that they are intercepted, so that Anna can continue to live as much of a normal life as possible. How will Anna react when she finds out at her father and Ashton have been keeping the letters secret from her?

"This is why Ashton's here, a SWAT guy. I finally get why he was assigned to me. Carter wants me dead [...]" - Annabelle Spencer
"He doesn't want you dead, Annabelle" -Tom Spencer
"Well what does he want?" - Annabelle Spencer
"He wants you back" - Tom Spencer

I originally read Nothing Left to Lose last year, when it was available on Wattpad. I have to start with an admission. I am a little bit obsessed with Kirsty Moseley. She writes the most beautiful love stories ever. I have read every book she has written at least twice! I absolutely love her books, and that why it is so painful to admit that this book kind of let me down. :(

It is not that the writing is bad, because it isn't, AT ALL! As always, Kirsty Moseley writes with a beautiful, flowing style that makes the book easy to read and understand. The main characters and the back story to the characters are brilliant. The book is creative. It provokes emotion from you. So why did I find this book lacking???

On paper this book is brilliant and the concept is compelling and captivating. I mean all you have to do is read the blurb and I think you will agree that the book sounds brilliant before you have even turned one page. So what was the problem?

Let me just clear this up before I continue. I DO NOT think that the book is bad, by any stretch of the imagination! I just found that the book was a little bit too long and the will they, won't they, back and forth was a little drawn out. I think that one thing that really impacted my enjoyment of the book, is that I read it when it was on Wattpad, and I really enjoyed it then, however, before it was published, Kirsty Moseley announced that there were going to be some changes. So the whole way through the book I think I was analysing the book and looking for the alterations, rather than really enjoying the story.

The next book in the series is Enjoying the Chase due to be released in the Spring of next year. This will be about Nate Peters, Ashton's best friend from the Police Academy in LA. I will definitely be reading this book and I am already counting down the days!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Review: Mine by Katy Evans

I have literally just finished reading Mine and thought I would share what I thought of the book with everyone. The book was released yesterday and I have been a little slower than some of write a review, this is due to fact that I decided to re-read REAL so that all the events from the first book were fresh in my mind.

What is the Book about?

The heart is a hollow muscle, and it will beat billions of times during our lives. About the size of a fist, it has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. How this muscle can house something as encompassing as love is beyond me. Is this heart the one that loves? Or do you love with your soul, which is infinite? I don’t know. All I know is that I feel this love in every molecule in my body, every breath I take, all the infinity in my soul. I learned that you can’t run if you tear a ligament, but your heart can be broken into a million pieces, and you can still love with your whole being.

I’ve been broken and put together again.

I’ve been loved, and I have loved.

I’m in love, and I will be forever changed by this love, by this man. I used to dream of medals and championships, but now I dream solely of a blue-eyed fighter who one day changed my life, when he put his lips on mine…

What did I think about this Book?

I really loved REAL (the first book in the series), and I was worried that this book would not meet my high expectations as I have found some sequels can't recapture the magic from the first book, as with the first book there is the relationship development that really draws you in, and then the second book as to be just as captivating without that element, so the author really has to be creative with ensuring that they can make you love the characters just as much in the sequel. And Katy Evans doesn't disappoint, as I was really emotional and reading Mine.

I really loved Remy in the first book, but in Mine my Remy loving was kicked up a notch. He is so perfect in his imperfections, you just cannot help yourself from falling in love with this lion of a man, who loves so fully and openly.

"You're everything I never knew I wanted" - Remy

The book starts when the last book ends, with Remy about to start his first match of the new Underground Champion Season. With Brooke back at Remy's side, Remy is ready to take on the world and reclaim the championship title from Scorpion. Unfortunetaly Brooke struggles to deal with all the attention that Remy receives from his female fans, letting her jealousy take over.

"Who cares what they scream when I'm crazy about you?" - Remy

However, when Brooke finds out that when she left Remy , and he went black, Pete and Riley ordered him girls to keep him company as he had done in the past. Brooke struggles to deal with the information and pushes Remy away. In her head, she knows that she has no right to be angry and upset because she left him during his darkest period, after he had just lost the championship, and he was left to cope the only way he knew how. Her head can understand this, however her heart and soul are crushed by the revelation, causing her to blame herself for leaving Remy when he needed her most, and also she is mad at Remy for sleeping with other women so some after she was gone.

"You said no to me, for months and months. I was dying for you. I was going crazy.[...]You withheld yourself from me until i was... dying a little inside with wanting you. You've got more willpower than Zeus! But the first women they bring to your door... the moment I'm gone, the first whores they happen to bring..." - Brooke

Remy doesn't know how to deal with how upset Brooke is, especially knowing that he his the reason she is hurting. He tries to comfort Brooke and refuses to let her go when she begs him to leave her alone. The whole next day he tries to bridge the gap between the two lovers, and is extra attentive. When Brooke refuses to touch, kiss or look at Remy, he devices his own plan to get her to touch him again, and that involves him allowing his opponent to get a few hits on him in the ring.

"You are going to love me until I die. I'm going to make you love me even if it hurts, and when it hurts, I'm going to make it better, Brooke" - Remy

I just LOVE Remy. He is such a passionate person and his hot headed actions just shows the lengths that he would go to just for Brooke's touch. He is a bad ass fighter, with a gorgeous face with dimples that no one can resist, but the thing that makes him so irristible is his drive and determination and protective nature towards whose that he loves the most.

"Don't worry, Rem, I'll protect her as if she were mine." - Pete
"She's not yours, dipshit. She's MINE." - Remy

Once they get over this little hurdle, there is more instore for the two lovers and they find that Scorpion still holds a vendetta against Remy, when he sends a gift to Brooke under the guise of being from Scorpion. When Brooke opens the box, she is horrified to find that the box is full of scorpions. Brooke panics when she is stung a few times by the scorpions, and when her tongue starts to swell up, she finds it hard to breathe. Remy, being the hot headed, sexy fighter that he is, seeks vengance on Scorpion, and declares that this season he will not only win the championship back, but he will anilate Scorpion for what he did to Brooke.

"He is Reminton Tate. He's a man who falls and gets up again and again. He pushes, plows, plunders, goes on." - Brooke

And this this just some of what happens in the first 20% of the book! I have left so much out that happens in the rest of the book because I don't want to spoil the storyline for anyone else how wants to the read the book after reading this review. I would strongly recommend that if you have not read REAL, that you do before you read Mine as you may find it difficult to understand why the characters behave in certain ways.

"Like you said, I'll love you if it kills us. We all die. I'd rather die loving the hell out of you." - Brooke
"Baby, I'm the one who'll love the hell out of you." - Remy

In the first book, Remy used music to communicate what he was feeling to Brooke as he was not good at expressing these feelings in words, and this method of communication is still used by Brooke and Remy in Mine, however, it is not as exclusive in terms of their communication as it was previously, especially as the book progresses, as Remy starts to vocalise his feelings with Brooke more.

"Pressing our foreheads together, I watch his expression as intently as he watches mine ... and we both listen to this amazing song. Not just any song. His song. Iris" - Brooke

I would strongly recommend, that when reading the book, stop reading the book and listen to the song that is mentioned on YouTube, or Spotify, which ever medium you prefer, as I swear this will make you understand Remy and Brooke's relationship so much better and you will start to fall in love with the both of them! Katy Evans does a brilliant job of selecting the perfect songs to show all the emotion that each person is feeling at that moment in time and also it really makes you understand what they want to say and share with each other.
I have selected two of the songs from the book, that I think best show Brooke and Remy's feelings, Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, however I found this cover version of the song which I fell in love with by Sleeping with Sirens and Shania Twain - In this Moment

I am really in awe of Katy Evans ability to write the characters seemlessly, in a way that the audience can really understand them, as if they were real people with real flaws, and character traits. She writes in a way that always keeps you captivated and keeps you wanting to read because you want to know more. Katy Evans really is a great writer and I know that any book she releases, I will buy without even reading the blurb because she makes me feel like I am connected to a character and the book in a way that other books have not been able to do. She writes characters that you can't help falling in love with.

"Do you still love me?" - Brooke
"You've got to be kidding me." - Remy
"Do you still love me, like before?" - Brooke
"I'm fucking insane about you! I told you I loved you with every petal of every rose." - Remy

The next book set to be released in this series is Remy which is out on the 26 November, which is only a few weeks away. YAY!! This book is not a continuation form Mine, but REAL from Remy's perception. I will definitely be downloading this to my kindle when it is released!